A specific, water-free product, very malleable and ready for use. It is used during the moulding of aluminium, bronze and brass castings to improve their characteristics, finish and dimensional precision.
It reduces casting finishing times and eliminates the cost of sand-blasting.



It is used for the manual and mechanical moulding of light alloy castings.
The sand is sieved onto the pattern in a thickness of about 1-2 cm. Care is taken to ensure that distribution is uniform across the entire surface of the pattern, after which the sand is pressed down gently by hand and filling of the mould is completed with traditional sand.
The best finishes are obtained with hardness of 80 +GF+ or above.
To ensure a smooth flow of metal and effective cavity filling the flow must be restricted to eliminate turbulence; air extractors should be fitted to remove the gases in view of the agglomerate’s low permeability.
Its plasticity and cohesion adapt to the widest, most varied assortment of moulding requirements (aluminium-bronze-brass-magnesium with low magnesium content-low thickness iron castings).

Red sand, lean red sand, green sand, pattern sand and special sand for bronze.

Plastic bags weight 30 kg.

A specific, water-free product, very malleable...